KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07)

Dark green blanched celery for the fresh market
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07) product photo view-3 L
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07) product photo front L
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07) product photo view-2 L
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07) product photo view-3 L
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07) product photo front L
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07) product photo front S
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07) product photo view-2 S
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07) product photo view-3 S
  • Dark green, slim, smooth stalks
  • Very upright growth
  • Late bolting, long harvest window
  • Rarely any side shoots
View Details
5.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pills.value
Product ID: LBAUaDFK
25.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pills.value
Product ID: cDAlTaNN


Variety name
KELVIN RZ F1 (49-07)
Crop type
Blanched celery green
Area of use
Processing, Fresh market
Cultivation period
Spring, Summer, Autumn
Scandinavian countries
Sweden, Finland, Denmark

Kelvin RZ is a blanched celery for the fresh market. The long, slim, smooth stalks have a high leaf base and are uniformly dark green. The variety hardly forms any side shoots and has a very upright habit, which facilitates harvesting. Kelvin RZ is strong against bolting and leaf spots and has a long harvest window.

Growing schedule

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2 varieties

5.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pills.value
25.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pills.value