LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735)

Strong against leaf diseases
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735) product photo view-3 L
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735) product photo front L
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735) product photo view-2 L
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735) product photo view-3 L
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735) product photo front L
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735) product photo front S
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735) product photo view-2 S
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735) product photo view-3 S
  • Attractively domed, dark green curd
  • Quick harvest, good post-harvest shelf life
  • Strong against leaf diseases
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2.500 pieces
Untreated seeds
Article ID: PemTeSCI
10.000 pieces
Untreated seeds
Article ID: MLkMeSQo
25.000 pieces
Untreated seeds
Article ID: cNQCPGeg


Variety name
LARSSON RZ F1 (25-735)
Resistance (HR)
Area of use
Fresh market
Cultivation period
Scandinavian countries
Sweden, Finland, Denmark

Larsson RZ is a broccoli for harvest in autumn. The attractive dark green variety has a nicely domed curd with firm florets of uniform size. The variety has a long shelf life. Due to its high uniformity, it can be harvested speedily. Larsson RZ is vigorous with a good root system and strong against leaf diseases.

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3 articles

2.500 pieces
Untreated seeds
10.000 pieces
Untreated seeds
25.000 pieces
Untreated seeds